My philosophy

I am committed to helping children develop good sleep habits, so that they learn to love sleep.

The recognition

Surprisingly many parents find it challenging to put their child to bed at night, and who need a good night's sleep is torture because of the baby's constant waking.

At least 7 mothers out of 10 and so do most of them, if you could, to some extent would change your child's sleeping habits - just simply clueless where to start.  

We often hear the sentences that "hang in there, you'll grow out of it", or "it's only temporary, it gets better", but unfortunately the experience that babies who sleep badly become babies who sleep badly, and young children who sleep poorly adults with sleep problems can become.

Is your partner a bad sleeper? Ask him or her how he or she slept as a child. The answer will be shocking. 

Perhaps it is not common knowledge that sleep difficulties are often behind children's behavioural problems. I sincerely believe that these are the problems we need to address and it is now necessary to take action to stop them. The younger the child, the easier it is to fix the problem, the easier they can master independent sleep. If you may have older children, don't be discouraged, they can also achieve good results, but perhaps over a slightly longer period. 

I hope you will agree that sleep is not a luxury, but a necessity for a healthy body. This is even more true for children. Sleep is a key pillar of their mental and physical development. Just as important as proper nutrition, and of course the constant love of a parent.

The method

My method, which I am so proud to represent, was created in order to children get a restful night's sleep by developing healthy sleep habits, so that they become more energetic, alert and open. Because a well-rested child is curious, happy, playful and concentrates easily.

I can say the same about my own 10-year-old child: He has been sleeping through the night since he was 6 months old.

With all this in mind, why accept the fact that babies simply don't sleep and that motherhood is all about sleeplessness? I think this is a huge misconception, because I have experienced first hand that it is possible to do it differently.

I think that with proper guidance and with help from can be easily and quickly mastered by most children the techniques that allow them to, to fall asleep on their own and sleep through the nights.

The average baby has a natural ability to sleep through the night by the end of the second month of life. It is a skill that has been developed "courtesy" of the routine provided by parents, that all children have. It is not my goal to teach every baby to sleep through the night at two months, but we can sort out existing sleep problems with parents, whatever they are.

How is the programme different?

When parents honour me with their vote of confidence and use my expertise, I take my responsibility seriously. 

I will not let go of their hands until we have achieved the expected result. 

I would like to point out that while most books on children's sleep follow the "cry it out" principle, while the Sleep Hero method, which I have developed from 3 US sleep coaching courses and years of personal experience, is completely tailored to the needs of the family, and offers parents complete flexibility. 

I will never advise parents to close the door on a child and wait for him to cry himself to sleep. Unfortunately, we cannot get away with crying in the process, that is an unfortunate fact, but letting them cry is not the method. 

For me it is very important that the parents to be fully comfortable with the child's sleep schedule, so I always go through the details of the work with the mothers and fathers in great detail, and every point of the work is family, leaving enough time for development. 

The final result

The peaceful sleep ability a gift that you will use for a lifetime the child, which is why I believe that this one of the most important pieces of advice we can give as parents. 

The best part of my job is when I see the messages in the morning from enthusiastic parents who report that for the first time in months the whole family has managed to sleep through the night and they are feeling really good about it! 

If then I'll talk on the phone with them, I find that even their voices are different - it's like talking to a completely different person - with joy. They are often sceptical about my method, but by the time we get to the end, it's as if the whole family has been replaced.

They are undergoing qualitative changes they would never have dreamed of before. 

I am honoured to accompany them through this process.