Welcome to Sleep Hero!


I'm Éva Szákács, child sleep consultant, founder of Sleep Hero. I will help you to develop good sleeping habits for your babies, and finally the whole family will sleep through the night!

"The best part of my job is when I look at it in the morning messages from eager parents who report that for the first time in months the whole family managed to sleep through the night, and they feel like they can finally be themselves again - they've got their old, relaxed selves back!"

Are any or all of the following true for you?

Are you faced with endless anesthesia procedures every night?

Does your child only fall asleep when rocked or when different practices are used?

Do babies wake up at least 2-3 times a night, do they have difficulty falling back asleep?

Does the child cry a lot, is he fussy, does he sleep little even during the day?

Do you feel as a mother that you are completely exhausted and lack of sleep has left its mark on everything?

The good news is that there is a solution! It is nothing more than sleep counseling!

The goal of my profession is to help families to develop appropriate sleeping habits, from newborn to the end of kindergarten. Because it's never too early or too late to start good routines!

During my career, I was able to prepare anesthesia plans for 1300 families.

Years ago, I myself walked this path with my little son. I thought there was no solution:

to the tension associated with insomnia

to his constant headache from fatigue

to mood swings due to exhaustion

to physical fatigue

But I found a super American method, thanks to which our quality of life has completely changed.

Following the personalized anesthesia plan, which I prepare for you based on a thorough health assessment questionnaire, the quality of life of the entire family will change.

By setting simple goals and proceeding step by step, we can achieve that the child sleeps through the night and that both evening and daytime naps become predictable. 

It may seem unbelievable, but the numerous success stories are the most perfect example of how it works!

Allow me to share our own story with you

Minden It started in 2014, when my little son, János, was born and with that I entered the most beautiful and at the same time the most difficult period of my life. I naively thought that as a mother I would have nothing else to do but listen to my instincts and I would always know what my child would need. and everything will go smoothly. Married, this could not be further from the truth...

The exercise proved that I knew nothing about the sleeping habits of newbornsnor about the importance of establishing an evening routine. I didn't develop any sleeping habits with János to such an extent that my poor little boy woke up every hour and a half every blessed night and he didn't sleep more than 45 minutes during the day - if he slept at all. After rocking her to sleep in my arms, I just put her in her crib, and she immediately started screaming. I could start the anesthesia all over again...

After a few months, I was completely exhausted, but not only me, but also my family. By five months I had a baby boy I hit rock bottom and it became clear to me that I cannot continue this alone, so we all just suffer. I needed immediate professional help because I could barely function due to exhaustion.

Desperate, I turned to the Internet, where I first met a "sleep consultant".

Since I was completely distraught and didn't want to continue staying overnight for a single day, I immediately started an American anesthesia program and put all my trust in the consultant. Just imagine, everything he advised WORKED! Within days, we experienced amazing changes, our lives changed completely.

János has been sleeping through the night since the fifth day, slept 2-2 hours during the day, he became relaxed, cheerful, open and there was no sign of the hours of crying!

All of our lives have changed radically!

I am proud to share the feedback of the parents who asked for my professional help and are full of energy to strengthen the well-sleeping, well-rested Sleep Hero camp!

Anita & Zoltán, parents of 10-month-old Dorci and Máté

"...I felt authenticity, reliability, and helpfulness in every word, so there was no question that my partner and I would go into it together. Already on the fourth day, we could feel the improvement in the sleep quality of our babies, both during the day and at night. Our babies learned to sleep 12 hours a night, so we sleep 9 hours every night since then, which is really good. I never dreamed that this would ever happen again, let alone after another week..."

Reni and Sebestyén, the parents of 9-month-old Bius, said about me:

"... Following the program's advice, the nights got better day by day, the baby woke up less and less, and because of this, the big brother and we, his parents, too. In our case, we didn't have to make drastic changes, but what Évi advised really worked! …”

Andi, mother of 8-month-old Lujzi:

"... Following your instructions, which are logical, but the exact opposite of everything that we novice mothers think is obvious, the results came quickly. Lujzi slept until morning after 2 nights. The results and the change came quickly, which was also very visible in Lujzin: he was an energetic, inquisitive, calm, cheerful, good appetite and especially happy baby. When I read the many desperate sleep-related posts on Facebook, I feel a bit like we know the secret of eternal life! …”

The words of Vera, mother of 9-month-old Olívia:

"... We were terribly nervous for a week before the consultation, but it went away immediately.
Evi immediately liked us, she was extremely kind and positive, and by the end of the hour we were already excitedly waiting for the first evening. But Évi was there, she kept my spirit in me, and it's unbelievable, but from one moment to the next, Olivia started sleeping during the day. Our life took a 180 degree turn. We finally have a relaxed, always good-natured, even more inquisitive little girl, we have time for each other and for ourselves. Sometimes we don't even want to believe it now. …”

Would you like to read more about anesthesia successes written by parents who couldn't even imagine being able to relax before? If your answer is yes, just click here: