With Eve's help, a new era has begun in our lives.
Our 14-month-old daughter woke up frequently from the beginning and took 1-1 hours to put her back to sleep, rocking and pacing several times in the middle of the night. This was followed by 1-1 illness, teething or travel and almost no sleep.
Eva helped me put things right and to my surprise we made a huge difference in a matter of days, she slept through the night almost immediately.
We achieved all this with relatively little crying, and we were with him all the time, we didn't leave him alone. I was shocked by this transformation.
Eva always told me in advance what to expect, and everything was always as she said it would be.
She really stopped crying as soon as we put her in her bed fully awake, she really stopped waking up in the morning and really learned to sleep on her own.
Eva was always extremely helpful, we consulted every day and based on the previous night's experience, we worked out together how to fine tune and tailor the sleep plan to our family's needs.
He has also provided us with long-term advice and I am sure we will continue to use his help for 1-1 major milestones in the future! "
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