"Dear Parents!

The beginning of our story will be familiar, and the end a dream.

A wonderfully happy little boy and very tired parents.

It seemed like a good idea to get him used to staying with us at night, which worked for a short month. My son was 6 months old at the time.

Then came the nightmare. He wakes up 6-8 times a night, has trouble falling back asleep, and during the day he only sleeps in a swing or pram.

By the age of 9 months, it was either move or our health (both physical and mental) would take a hit.

Then came Evie!

At first I was also unsure, maybe even a little sceptical.

We tried to put Misi down before, but it ended up in a roar, so I believed it would work, and I didn't. But we really wanted a change!

Now comes the part that for many parents may still be a distant dream, but my dear Sorstársam!
It is not! Believe me!

My little boy slept through the 3rd night after we started the program.
Since then, I have been to concerts, and I dared to leave my son with my husband, because I knew that he would sleep until the morning.

The next day, of course, I told Evie with tears of joy!

I almost dared not believe it.

And on the 4th night, after saying goodnight to my little boy and kissing him goodnight, he fell asleep immediately without crying!

Since then, Dad and I have been racing:

Will we get to the light switch or will Misi be asleep by then? (That's 3 steps).

Usually Misi wins and takes a nap.

Anaesthesia is not a long torture, but a stress-free, fear-free, intimate part of our lives.

Of course, it was hard day and night, but I know now: my little boy is capable of a good and quality sleep, and we can live with rest, it's no longer a luxury.

In difficult moments, Évi was my hero. She always encouraged me, so I never gave up.

We started the programme 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been replaced.

And my little boy is happier than ever! We've collected some funny sleeping photos of him.