"We had a horrible 11 months of no sleep which was unbearable, we went to bed together at 7pm and until 7am we had 2-3 hour wake ups with feeding and no sleep all night long!

A lányom teljesen kimerülten nyűgösen fáradtan kínlódta végig így a napokat hónapokat rólam meg ne is beszéljünk teljesen kimerültem, mondtam oké most jött el az a pont hogy nem mehet ez így tovább hogy mindenki teljesen kimerült, főleg a gyerek!

I hid in the books, pages of course nothing happened.

Then I finally found you, I talked to several moms and your training worked for them too, I was like it's now or never, of course my husband was totally skeptical he was against it because he thought it was nonsense - how would anyone else know how to get our baby to sleep?

I contacted Èvi, she was very sweet and helpful, we talked everything through and I started, my daughter was asleep by the third night.

No, I didn't let her cry I was there with her and we built up the sleeps day by day, after 3 days my little girl is completely changed, calm, rested, smiles a lot, completely balanced, sleeps from 7:30pm to 7am without waking up.

My dad still blinks and said he didn't believe in it, but it works!

Since then, my husband takes her to sleep every night, which takes about 10 minutes and she lies nicely in her bed and sleeps.

At last everyone is calm and rested, no wake-up calls and we have a rested little girl!
I can only recommend Sleep Hero to everyone!

I'm sorry I didn't find Evie sooner, it was a great decision, thank you very much!"