Sleep successes from rested parents

I think the feedback posted here is the best evidence that there is a solution to sleeplessness and endless sleep procedures!

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Anita & Zoltán, parents of 10-month-old Dorci and Máté:

"The good Lord sent Eve my way..."

I would like to share my experience with her so that others can be encouraged to use her to help their baby if he is a poor sleeper.

Our twin babies Dorina and Matthew are now 10 months old and have been hand-set since birth, both day and night, and both have woken up twice or three times during the night. They were also always hand-restored, each time, which always meant intermittent sleep for one of the parents who was supervising them, or none at all, which exhausted them completely. I felt I had to do something to help the babies learn to fall asleep on their own and fall back asleep on their own at night when they woke up...

After a bit of research, I came across Évi, who was recommended to me as an "anaesthesia consultant", so I thought she was the one for me. After contacting her, we talked through everything in detail and she outlined what the anaesthesia training would look like. I could feel the credibility, reliability and helpfulness in every word, so there was no question that my partner and I would start together. So we did.

Évi said 2-3 weeks for a change, just to be sure, but we noticed an improvement in our babies' sleep quality day and night from day four, so we were more and more willing to do the additional tasks she gave us.

I can tell you that by day seven our babies were beautifully asleep on their own, by putting them in their cot and closing the room door, and if they woke up in the night they were back asleep on their own within seconds, and that's how it's been going for three weeks now.... Luckily they took the obstacles well, even though we thought the opposite at the beginning, how difficult it would be to teach them.

Our babies have learned to sleep 12 hours a night, so we have been sleeping 9 hours every night, which feels really good. I never dreamed I would ever achieve this, let alone after a week of sleep training...

Even beyond the basics, Évi gave us a lot of help, support, encouragement and spiritual strength. Every day we told her how the previous day's sleep and the night before had gone, every day she gave me good advice on how to proceed, if I was in doubt or fear, she was always there for me and encouraged me to continue...

I am very happy with the way Évi approached her work, I got all the help I needed from her, maybe even more.

Dear sleepless mums, take advantage of Évi's knowledge to help your babies sleep soundly.

I recommend him with a clear heart! He has changed our daily lives and for that we are very grateful to Him.

Thank you for everything...

Évi is an Angel sent by the good Lord, as I said... 🙂

Barbara & Zoltán, parents of 17-month-old Rozina:

When I first heard that it was possible for my little girl to sleep on her own, without a long sleep routine and 1.5 hour wake-ups, I was sceptical to say the least. After a while, one becomes somewhat accustomed to the side effects of sleep deprivation and the thought of a sleepless night becomes a utopian illusion, out of touch with reality, but then came Eve. After one "painful" night, there were immediate results, we no longer have to go to my daughter when she is asleep and at bedtime all we have to say is good night, we come out and within minutes she is asleep without crying. Eva is truly a lifesaver, we couldn't be more grateful!

Reni and Sebestyén, the parents of 9-month-old Bius, told me about me:

I would warmly recommend Évi Szakács as a sleep therapist to anyone who has a baby in the family and therefore parents with sleep problems.

We found Evie through a family member of my partner, who by then had successfully completed the programme with their twin babies. We started the programme a few days after our first conversation, and it worked quite quickly and with great success for us!

We have 2 little girls, aged 8 and 1. 5 months after the baby was born, the problems started, not in the sleeping area, and from then on the system was upset for all of us unfortunately, as far as sleeping at night is concerned, the baby woke up a lot at night.

Following the advice of the programme, the nights got better every day, the baby woke up less and less, and so did big brother and us, his parents. He is now sleeping well through the night in his own little bed. In our case, we didn't have to make any drastic changes, but what Évi advised really worked! I think they are gentle for the baby and his parents.

And sleep is a basic necessity! 🙂

Andi, mum of 8-month-old Lujzi:

"Dear Évi!

My first and only child, Lujzi, was eight months old when I found you on the internet, on the verge of dying.

I felt on the verge of collapse and knew there had to be a solution...the solution was you.

Lujzi slept terribly at night. Half an hour after she fell asleep she woke up screaming and either I could put her back to sleep or not...often not.

I dreaded the nights when I would sit in the armchair with Lujzi in my arms from 23.00 to 01.30, waiting for my little girl to fall back asleep and finally go to bed. Until 4am, when she woke up again, suckled and then either fell asleep or not. At five or six we woke her up again.
Not to mention daytime naps! If the nights were horrible, then I say the days were horrible!

Lujzi was willing to sleep either outside in the pram-if we pushed her-or in the Adamo swing-practically shaken to sleep. Of course, as a breastfeeding mother, I couldn't get a minute's rest, because it's hard to nap outside in the street pushing a pram or sleep for an hour while pulling a swing.

Internet, research...a ray of hope, uncertainty...Évi...Can you help me?...Isn't it a scam?...Should we do it?...No question!

You explained the instructions in a fast, professional manner, I admit I was taking notes like a schoolboy....the picture came together in no time!

By following your instructions, which are logical but the exact opposite of what we beginner mothers take for granted, the results came quickly.

Lujzi slept until morning after 2 nights. Her daytime sleep has also settled down nicely, she sleeps her own bed. Like you said, she has become a black belt sleeper, giving her parents a night out (sometimes-occasionally) to go to a concert or out to dinner.
Yeah, Lujzi sleeps from 7pm to 7am.

You soon get used to the good I just have a bad memory of my mum trying to get my little girl to go, she looked at me and said, "I don't believe it! Look, I can't put her to sleep!
The second afternoon nap in her own bed was also a time of disbelief...of course, that's a fond memory.

The results came quickly and the change was very visible in Lujzin: he was energetic, interested, calm, happy, with a good appetite and above all a happy baby.

Since then, 4.5 months have passed. Lujzi is still sleeping, good, restful sleep! Happy baby and happy mum! Oh, and of course daddy too!

Évi! Thank you very much for your help, your kindness, your professionalism!

Honestly? When I read all the desperate posts on Facebook about sleep, I feel a bit like we know the secret to eternal life! Ok, let's not exaggerate, it's just like we hit the jackpot.

😁 🙏


Vera, mother of 9-month-old Olivia:

"I've always said it's a pity that babies don't come with an instruction manual.
Of course I was only joking, I never thought I would need it. I certainly never thought I'd get one.

Before our first baby Olivia was born, we made several promises, not many of which have stuck, except for the one that she would not sleep in the same bed with us.

I've vowed to stay up in an armchair, but I'm not going to include us. There was no need, as our little miracle baby slept through the night until he was 3 months old.

She started waking up in the fourth month. First only once, then twice, but within a month we got to 10. It was a nice progression for him, he was waking at least 10 times a night, or every 25-35-45 minutes, if by some miracle he only woke 4 times a night, we were celebrating.

I tried a lot of things, but none of them worked. The wake-ups became more frequent and he didn't sleep more than 2x half an hour during the day.

All day long he was cranky, tired, I was a zombie, often more like a dragon, I had no kind words for my father. In fact, that was one of the reasons we went to see Eva.
The mood at home was getting worse and worse, and instead of thinking of it as the best time of our lives, we started to think of it as the worst.

Olivia was 9 months old when I found Eve.

We were terribly nervous for a week before the consultation, but that went away immediately.
Évi was immediately sympathetic, extremely kind and positive, and by the end of the hour we were looking forward to our first evening.

With the expected instruction manual in my hand, I started using it that evening. I knew it was going to work, I didn't doubt it for a minute, but I didn't think that by the 4th night Olivia would be sleeping 11 hours in a row. But it was!

In fact, that night Évi kept me going, because I thought that everything had just got worse. But it didn't. From that night on, Olivia slept 11-12 hours a night.

The days were proving to be much tougher, and it was at this point that I wanted to give up.

But Évi was there, keeping me going, and unbelievably, Olivia started sleeping during the day, too.

It's less than a month since we started the programme, we say goodbye to our daughter at 7pm in the evening, wish her a good night and see her again at 7am.
He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and doesn't throw a tantrum until the next bedtime.

I put him to bed during the day and wish him good night, he sits for 1-2 minutes, then lies down and sleeps for 1-1.5 hours.

All this while she has lost 2 teeth in 3 weeks and has also had vaccinations.

Our lives took a 180 degree turn.

Finally we have a well-rested, always in a good mood, even more interested than before, a little girl, time for each other and for ourselves. Sometimes we still can't believe it. It was the best possible decision to call on Evie for help.

It changed our lives, thank you for everything!"

Well guys, thank you for the trust you have placed in me!

The words of Luca, mother of the wonderful 10-month-old Misi:

"Dear Parents!

The beginning of our story will be familiar, and the end a dream.

A wonderfully happy little boy and very tired parents.

It seemed like a good idea to get him used to staying with us at night, which worked for a short month. My son was 6 months old at the time.

Then came the nightmare. He wakes up 6-8 times a night, has trouble falling back asleep, and during the day he only sleeps in a swing or pram.

By the age of 9 months, it was either move or our health (both physical and mental) would take a hit.

Then came Evie!

At first I was also unsure, maybe even a little sceptical.

We tried to put Misi down before, but it ended up in a roar, so I believed it would work, and I didn't. But we really wanted a change!

Now comes the part that for many parents may still be a distant dream, but my dear Sorstársam!
It is not! Believe me!

My little boy slept through the 3rd night after we started the program.
Since then, I have been to concerts, and I dared to leave my son with my husband, because I knew that he would sleep until the morning.

The next day, of course, I told Evie with tears of joy!

I almost dared not believe it.

And on the 4th night, after saying goodnight to my little boy and kissing him goodnight, he fell asleep immediately without crying!

Since then, Dad and I have been racing:

Will we get to the light switch or will Misi be asleep by then? (That's 3 steps).

Usually Misi wins and takes a nap.

Anaesthesia is not a long torture, but a stress-free, fear-free, intimate part of our lives.

Of course, it was hard day and night, but I know now: my little boy is capable of a good and quality sleep, and we can live with rest, it's no longer a luxury.

In difficult moments, Évi was my hero. She always encouraged me, so I never gave up.

We started the programme 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been replaced.

And my little boy is happier than ever! We've collected some funny sleeping photos of him.

Kitti, mum of 1-year-old Boti:

Boti was 1 year old when we went to see Èvi, because the condition our little boy had at night was unbearable.

I was expecting much much worse in terms of our son's reaction, and I was fully prepared for the worst, even getting earplugs for my husband so he could sleep at night when we started the program.
Well, Boti fell asleep very well on the first night without petting and rocking, he woke up only once a night, and from the 3rd night he didn't wake up. The evenings were very easy (no earplugs were needed) the days were a bit harder, but it was absolutely worth it, because now the daytime sleep is like this: I take him to his room, we pull down the blinds together, he shows me the cot he wants to go to bed, I put him in it, I cover him up and he sleeps for 1,5-2 hours without a sound.
Also in the evening, she doesn't get up at night, even though she has been sick and had a fever, she has woken up at night, and sometimes she even had a breastfeeding when she was sick, but she never got used to it because when she was better we stayed consistent and did everything the way we learned from Evie. I can't imagine rocking her for 2 hours at night and waking her 2-3 times more than before 😅 I highly recommend Evie to everyone, she puts the whole family to sleep and I'm very proud to tell my relatives what we have achieved together!! I love that they didn't believe in me/us, because the child is a bad sleeper, let's face it, there are some of them.... 😉 A hundred words in one end: thank you Évi!! ❤️️❤️️

Flora, mum of 13-month-old Hanna:

"Dear Évi!

So, after more than 1 year, I would like to tell you what we got from you by you introducing me to Hannah's anaesthesia as a new mother.

In the first days and weeks, of course, we couldn't follow anything, because it was nice not only for Hanna, but also for my dad and me, that this baby-scented little love package was resting on us.

We followed your basic guidelines, but we were still "guilty as sin". 😃

We started to become more conscious of anaesthesia at about 3 months, but I must add that we had a schedule from the first day at home.

Following the schedule you suggested, Hanna fell asleep very nicely, only waking up at night to eat and then going back to sleep, which meant 1-2 wakings until she was 6 months old.

And from 6 months of age, he sleeps through the night, 10-12 hours in a row.

When I say that, everyone's jaw drops. 😃

Of course, we also have growth spurts, development of movement, teething - but these very rarely affect sleep at night.

Usually there are 1-2 nights a month when he wakes up once a night, but goes back to sleep after a few minutes.

Thanks to really restful nights of sleep, Hanna is very balanced, she can concentrate for a long time, she learns very quickly and she handles external stimuli much better.
As a mother, it's also much better to wake up in the morning feeling rested and full of energy and smiles to start each day. 🙂

I can only recommend your maternity kit to all mums, it's worth getting a good night's sleep as soon as possible!

In my experience, it is much easier to start well than to abandon practices that may not be right.

Good to have you, Sleep Hero Evie!!! 🙂 "

Anita, mother of 8-month-old Lara:

"I'll be honest, a bit superstitiously (so as not to shout it out), now is the time to write a success story.

I was given a now 8-month-old baby girl, baby Lara, whose sleep was terrible.

He used to wake up every half an hour at night, sleep only once during the day, and that was short short, the family was completely sleepless.

I started the programme with Évi 1 month ago, I chose the "Do it yourself" package.
The biggest ordeal was having to take the pacifier away from him. I was a big pacifier addict.

The first sleep without a pacifier was hard, but after that he slept for 10 hours straight, I couldn't believe it.

The big breakthrough was night 4, sleeping from 7pm to 6:30am. I couldn't believe it!
Since then, we have had two nights of teething, when he woke up several times because he was in pain (I am especially happy about this, as he has proven to signal when something hurts him).

Of course I was desperate, but Évi reassured me that it wasn't because she had forgotten how to sleep. And she was right, since then her night sleep has been uninterrupted, she sleeps 11 hours straight!
To sum up, our day now looks like he sleeps twice during the day for a total of 3 hours, or 11 hours at night.

And the sleep is as simple as putting him in his cot, kissing him, wishing him goodnight, going out and putting him to sleep.

I can't tell you how grateful I am to Evie, and to fate for finding her, because our lives have changed completely.

My fussy crying baby turned into a well-balanced happy baby.

Was it difficult?


Was it worth it?


Thank you very very very much"

Zita, mother of 15-month-old Noel:

Yesterday was a week since we started the program and our little pooch has been sleeping through the night for days now.Yesterday, for example, he fell asleep in 5 minutes in the evening, goes to his bed on his own to sleep and wakes up between 6 - 7 in the morning. His daytime sleep has also lengthened, if we go to bed at noon he sleeps until 3am.

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