Sleep successes from rested parents

I think the feedback posted here is the best evidence that there is a solution to sleeplessness and endless sleep procedures!

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Heni, mum of 4-month-old baby Enoch:

"We are grateful to Evi, it was one of the best decisions we made to start the new anaesthesia, according to Evi's advice.

After our big talk, we started the sleep programme in the evening.
Needless to say, we didn't dare to follow Évi's advice exactly.

We were afraid of crying too much, we thought we'd pick out a couple of good tips and it would work didn't.

Again, Iok fell asleep only by rocking.

And the funny thing is that he cried even when we rocked him.

After 3 days, and on the verge of exhaustion, we said we had nothing to lose, we would follow exactly what Evie said, she cries even when rocked, it doesn't matter if we just put her in her bed and she cries.

We couldn't believe it, but he cried less this way than when he was rocked. 30 minutes and she was asleep.

We also realised that it was worse to pour oil on the fire when he was crying and we put him down again.

So we didn't leave him alone, we stayed with him the whole time and our little boy fell asleep on his own!
The first night I had to go in 4 times to help her fall asleep, but the second night she fell asleep on her own in 10 minutes and only 1x

we went in to feed him, we would still feed him.

And slowly, on day 4, his daytime naps lasted 1.5-2 hours.

And we got our quality time back.

Before that, Enoch slept 40 minutes at most during the day, he was a fussy, crying baby, no wonder, as he didn't sleep well at night or enough during the day.

And a daytime lullaby that took 1 hour...we thought Baby Shark was going to drive us crazy, we rocked him to sleep, he only calmed down on that.

This music was played about 50 times a day.
My back couldn't take all the lying on my lap anymore, and actually my little boy couldn't take it either, he wasn't relaxed, frankly we adults don't sleep in a standing position either. Because he preferred his head on my shoulder with his head turned outwards.

Dear Mum reading this, there is nothing impossible if you need to make a change regarding your baby's sleep, and if you ask Eve for advice, dare to follow it, it is worth it !

Even if the beginning is difficult.

It will soon bear fruit and after 3 days we have already felt a big change.

It's been almost 2 weeks now, and he sleeps from 18.15 to 7 in the morning.

We go in once to feed him and clean him up."

Veronika, 11 months old:

"We had a horrible 11 months of no sleep which was unbearable, we went to bed together at 7pm and until 7am we had 2-3 hour wake ups with feeding and no sleep all night long!

A lányom teljesen kimerülten nyűgösen fáradtan kínlódta végig így a napokat hónapokat rólam meg ne is beszéljünk teljesen kimerültem, mondtam oké most jött el az a pont hogy nem mehet ez így tovább hogy mindenki teljesen kimerült, főleg a gyerek!

I hid in the books, pages of course nothing happened.

Then I finally found you, I talked to several moms and your training worked for them too, I was like it's now or never, of course my husband was totally skeptical he was against it because he thought it was nonsense - how would anyone else know how to get our baby to sleep?

I contacted Èvi, she was very sweet and helpful, we talked everything through and I started, my daughter was asleep by the third night.

No, I didn't let her cry I was there with her and we built up the sleeps day by day, after 3 days my little girl is completely changed, calm, rested, smiles a lot, completely balanced, sleeps from 7:30pm to 7am without waking up.

My dad still blinks and said he didn't believe in it, but it works!

Since then, my husband takes her to sleep every night, which takes about 10 minutes and she lies nicely in her bed and sleeps.

At last everyone is calm and rested, no wake-up calls and we have a rested little girl!
I can only recommend Sleep Hero to everyone!

I'm sorry I didn't find Evie sooner, it was a great decision, thank you very much!"

Timi, mum of 7-month-old Luca:

"Dear Évi!

I think that without you, I would still be a petulant house dragon!

I can't tell you how happy I am that I found you and that you were able to help my little darling 9-month-old (8 at the time) Luca sleep, and that the whole family's sleep has improved.

I'm not a grandmother type and I need my time to perform in 100%.

You can get terribly tired of the constant night-time sleep, the constant rocking.

I could kill for my beautiful daughter, but the fact that she only slept with me after a while freaked me out.

So with my husband's full support, we started sleep therapy.

I was quite sceptical at first , I think I read your facebook profile and website at least 50 times, all the positive writing and cute stories gave me strength and most importantly, CONFIDENCE.

It was incomprehensible to us that Luca slept through the 3rd night.

Everything was as you described it at the beginning, obviously there are ups and downs, because we are talking about a baby who is constantly developing, discovering the world, so no day/night is the same, but what we taught her with your help will remain.

We are very grateful.

Thank you. We hug you."
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

Judit, the mother of 10-month-old Hanna:

"An impossible mission!

We thought it was. We didn't even start, we didn't know how and we didn't believe it.

Then came Évi. I looked at her Facebook page, read the stories. I waved her down. BUT! She wouldn't leave me alone.

After all, if something doesn't work well, I don't wait for it to fix itself, I ask for professional help.

Our story:
In November we had a beautiful baby girl. We were very much looking forward to it, very much preparing. She was a drinking baby, she had a tummy whenever she asked for it. She fell asleep on a tummy, like many other babies. Then she couldn't sleep any other way. In fact! To sleep at all.

In a short time, we got to the point where she slept next to me, with her tummy in her mouth almost all night. Of course I didn't sleep, I just napped sometimes. She was not even 3 months old when I lost my mother. I broke her. Postpartum depression, grief, fatigue.
In the summer, it got to the point where I felt that breastfeeding was no good anymore. She was only willing to suckle when lying down and sleeping. He was completely overwhelmed by hunger and sleepiness.

And I was forced into bed every time he slept. I didn't have the time while the baby slept to cook, wash, iron, or just cry and grieve.

Of course, we couldn't talk to Dad either, spend quality time together. Intimacy was almost zero. When? When the baby was asleep, he'd hang on my boob. If he was awake, he was definitely first.

We had no help. Another grandma very far away. I woke up one day and wrote to Evie with tears streaming down my face. I thought, this can't be a problem.

Then we talked. His voice was so reassuring, encouraging, warm. We got started.

My little girl was not an easy case. I called Evie many times crying that it wasn't working, it was torture. I wanted to give up. Even three weeks ago.

We changed strategy, because Evie has a plan B and a plan C (and I think all the letters of the alphabet have a war plan associated with them).

We started working together a month and a half ago. We have now reached the point where I take my daughter to her bed at 8pm and we don't see each other until 7am.

The same goes for daytime sleep! That was the hardest one anyway. I had no idea, but I almost backed down from sleeping during the day. Sometimes he would go on strike and not sleep at all.

BUT YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP! This is the most important thing.

You thank yourself for teaching your baby to fall asleep, to go back to sleep. He is much more balanced now, and so are we.

Mum is sleeping, she has time and energy for Dad.

One night we opened a bottle of wine and watched a movie!

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but for those of us in the same shoes, it means the world.

And breastfeeding? I haven't given up on that either! That's our time together. Sitting on the couch, snuggled up together, caressing each other! It's wonderful!
We have a smiling, beautiful little girl with smiling and loving parents.

What greater happiness is there in the world?


The words of Nóri, mother of 6-month-old Borka:

" Dear Mother and "fate" companions!

My name is Nori and we have an 8 month old girl BorkaRóza, who (I guess I'm not selling a cat in a bag) when I write: couldn't, wouldn't and didn't like to sleep!

I don't even want to make my story too long, (because I could take a part of the story of practically every family that has gone before me and put it into ours...)
I would prefer to address those parents who are struggling with similar problems, but have not yet done so, or have not dared to start sleep therapy! Or ' God forbid' are sceptical about it!

.....and here's the bottom line: DON'T STOP, because there is a solution, and it is a person I would recommend to anyone, anywhere, anytime, with all my heart, and that person is none other than Evi!!! ❤️️

An incredibly determined, helpful, endlessly kind, patient and last but not least, an amazingly knowledgeable Mother! But what was even more important to me: her Authenticity!!! So there was no question for a moment that the one we needed help from was Her! ❤️️

So Évi, She Came Into Our Lives, She Taught Us and We Won!!! 🙏 👩‍🎓 💪 ( all in 10 days)

Sweet dreams to all!


The words of Esther, a miracle mother of 4:

"Three weeks ago I was an hourly waking mum. When I wasn't being woken up by my 6 month old, our 3 year old would come over and want to sleep in our bed (which I'm not a fan of, but I agreed to because of the long periods of not sleeping and my tiredness.)

I heard about Sleep Hero through a friend. I really thought about going to see Evie, but I was so tired that I felt that anything she said I couldn't do.

I've read a lot of good books on the subject, and they pointed me in the right direction, but I was stuck and didn't know where the problem was. So I decided to write to Evie, really at the last minute!

My only regret today is that I didn't do it sooner!! 🙂

Évi was a fantastic encouragement.

We could talk in a way that gave me the strength to do the tasks.
Not only a very good "therapist", but also a spiritual companion, who will accompany you all the way, and pour spirit into you, encourage you, inspire you to persevere, and all this in a way that you feel will not be so difficult.

I was so glad that I wasn't given a pattern to follow. I was also disappointed in myself and in books that gave me patterns on how a baby of a certain month should establish a daily rhythm and sleep. They also gave me some useful advice, but my babies refused to work to that rhythm.

Évi, on the other hand, gave advice tailored to our family routines and schedules.

We obviously had to change some things, because our system was not working well. And I'm talking about really small things. We introduced two new things on day 3 and then we could move forward with one more task.

By week 3 both our boys had slept through the night.

Évi knew where we were stuck, she knew the order in which we had to change, and she did it all at our own pace and according to our own habits.

Now I also understand why the book schemes didn't work.

Évi explains everything in detail so that we understand why everything is happening.

I'm very grateful to him, because without him I don't even dare to think where we would be now. I don't wish back our old nights, which are a thing of the past, thanks to Evie!

Thank you very much!

The words of a mother of a 14-month-old girl:

With Eve's help, a new era has begun in our lives.

Our 14-month-old daughter woke up frequently from the beginning and took 1-1 hours to put her back to sleep, rocking and pacing several times in the middle of the night. This was followed by 1-1 illness, teething or travel and almost no sleep.

Eva helped me put things right and to my surprise we made a huge difference in a matter of days, she slept through the night almost immediately.

We achieved all this with relatively little crying, and we were with him all the time, we didn't leave him alone. I was shocked by this transformation.

Eva always told me in advance what to expect, and everything was always as she said it would be.

She really stopped crying as soon as we put her in her bed fully awake, she really stopped waking up in the morning and really learned to sleep on her own.
Eva was always extremely helpful, we consulted every day and based on the previous night's experience, we worked out together how to fine tune and tailor the sleep plan to our family's needs.

He has also provided us with long-term advice and I am sure we will continue to use his help for 1-1 major milestones in the future! "

Reni, the mother of 8-month-old Regina:

"Finally Finally Finally.... After about 1.5-2 months, I can share our success stories.
Regina started to sleep very badly from 4.5 months of age, waking up more and more at night, not to mention 30-45 minute naps and re-sleeps during the day.

I was always betting on something, must be the heat, must be the teeth, must be the development of movement etc etc etc, I read everywhere that this is how it is, you have to survive this period...
Okay, I put up with it, I waited, but after months the situation didn't get any better, in fact it only got worse, my mood was terrible all the time.

I had looked at your site before, but I didn't dare to write, I was afraid it wouldn't work for us.

Then came the time when I decided that I didn't want to survive this period, but to enjoy every minute of it, because we moved into our house together, and I didn't feel that overwhelming happiness, I was so sleepless and exhausted.

My day was about nothing but putting the baby to sleep and sleeping. I had had enough of what I was becoming and we visited me in early October.

After 2 hours of talking, we got the sleep plan from you. It was Tuesday, but we didn't start until Friday.

I started, but in about 10 days not much changed, Regina strongly objected to the changes, as she used to sleep cradled and then next to me.
Despite all this, our little girl seemed to be able to sleep for several hours at a time, but she didn't seem to be accepting the new methods anytime soon.

That's when we got Dad in... Dad had a better result the first night, we had 1-2 sleep-overs, but on the third night something always happened.

In the meantime, his teeth started to come out, his movement started to develop, so a few things made the programme difficult, so that we wouldn't have an easy job.

Once I wanted to give up twice, I was ready to accept that we couldn't do that, but my father didn't want to hear about it.

I often drew strength from the success stories they shared.

Then you suggested another method which gave the expected result...

Regina started having more and more sleepovers, and this has continued ever since. We soon saw that she could sleep when she wanted to and fall back asleep on her own, the problem was often putting her to sleep, she was a willful little person who stuck to her routine.
Since then, there are more and more nights when he falls asleep in a few minutes, there are one or two occasions when he is more tearful or harder to put to sleep, but fortunately they are becoming less frequent.

In the meantime, another set of teeth comes in and we have definitely entered separation anxiety.
Many times even now we go to bed with the expectation that he will wake up 100 times, even though we have had sleep-over nights for 1 month.

It's amazing how clever he is, I hear him wake up twice, sometimes he cries, but he goes back to sleep on his own.

Before, I could never have imagined that he would go back to sleep BY HIMSELF.
Daytime naps are also evolving, with more and more quiet naps, but we are still working on these.

Well, a 100 words is worth a 100 words, thank you for helping us teach our baby, who used to be rocked to sleep, put to sleep with a pacifier, fall back to sleep and wake up many times, to sleep well and fall back to sleep.

Without your help, I would be in the camp of sleepless and constantly stressed mums."

Dóri, mother of 14-month-old Dorian:

"We started working together 2 months ago, and in hindsight, I have to admit that it was only in desperation that I didn't believe in it all...

Here we are two months ago, sleeping soundly, the whole family life has changed.

I often hear that sleep training is bad and that the child suffers and is deprived of self-expression by falling asleep alone ...

In our house, it's MADE because my little boy had a cold and last week he called us several times for three or four nights so he let us know he was sick and he let us know because he was CLEAR.

It made the whole sleep training thing fall apart for me because we taught my little boy to fall asleep and sleep soundly, and we taught him to signal if he was really in trouble and he did.

I can't thank you enough for contacting me and I hope that you have been able to help so many mums since then.

We love you very much Thank you very much for being there and we can always count on you and we can count on you now."

Kisses: mum and baby, who has grown 12 teeth and run since we started the programme with you."

Ágota, mum of 5-month-old Marcika:

"I heartily recommend Evie, she is very helpful, kind and patient. Not just focused on the baby, but also on the mother's soul. We are very grateful to Evi for all her help! Finally our baby sleeps in her bed day and night. 🙂 "

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